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LGBTI+ Business Conference Scandinavia

2021.08.17 @ 13:0017:00 CEST

LGBTI+ Business Conference Scandinavia Theme:

Sustainable Diversity



There is a significant return on investment for private corporations that implements a sustainable diversity strategy. In order to be successful this need to be a credible, long-term starchy in how these issues can best be implemented in the corporate business strategy, in all parts of the business processes from talent acquisition to workplace inclusion, innovation, sales and supply-chains. This can also be tracked up to the owner-level, by the stock-performance.

SGLCC – Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce produce a screening of Scandinavian corporations, and it show that some are well under way, whereas others may need some more knowledge and understanding in order to develop further.

The current pandemic has caused severe stress to the business environment across the world. Some have had a very difficult time, and some have done well. Over time, certain areas will go back to pre- pandemic activities, and others will come out with entirely new models and strategies. What has become evident is the need for the diversity and inclusion models to be resilient under stress as well as sustainable in order to be useful, credible and deliver the intended outcome for the business at hand.


The conference will be held at Malmö Town Hall, Aug 17 2021 from 1-5 PM, and is an annual event. It is our sincere hope that circumstances allow us to meet in person, but we have also a virtual option.



13:00 – 17:00 CEST


13:00 – 17:00 CEST