17th June 2021
FULL AGENDA: https://www.eastmeetswest.eu/2021conference
REGISTRATIONS UNDER: https://eastmeetswest2021.eventbrite.com
We used to live in a world that was perhaps not always peaceful but that was never in a complete turmoil. But this has changed and our LGBTIQ community, as active player in society, cannot ignore this reality. As we might not always be aware of what is exactly changing around us, East meets West wants, in the 2021 Conference, to tackle this very challenging topic of ‘Change’ and ask the question how to ‘ride these waves of change‘.
The Changes are revealed in different ways. The LGBTIQ community in Central- and Eastern Europe has certainly undergone changes. So we will bring you an updated picture of the daily LGBTIQ reality in the different countries. As we also want to put a special focus on Poland and its challenged LGBTIQ community, the 7th International East meets West Conference 2021 will be sourced from the Polish capital Warsaw. East meets West set-up a local Studio and will stream the Conference to audiences in the whole world.
But Changes have appeared also in our daily activities. Just consider the new ways of communication and the need to speak a different ‘language’ if we want to reach our communities. We read about the ‘New Normal’ but without knowing what it will mean for all of us. East meets West will present speakers and run discussions that will not only open your eyes for these changes, but at the same time show you ways to adapt your existing approaches and become even more successful.